Why Do Candidates Ghost?

Candidate ghosting remains a recurrent issue in the recruitment process, prompting us to delve into the burning question: “Why do candidates ghost?” However, it’s crucial to note that ghosting is not solely the candidate’s fault, and we all share a part of the responsibility, even if we sometimes prefer not to admit it 😉

Why do candidates choose ghosting?

  1. Opportunity elsewhere: A candidate may have found another opportunity. But why don’t they take the time to inform you?
  2. Similar offers: A candidate may perceive your offer as similar to those of other employers they’ve encountered. Why don’t they take the time to inform you?
  3. Not worth the detour: A candidate may simply not want to go through an interview for your position, considering their time valuable and needing to be selective. Why don’t they take the time to inform you?

The simple answer: They ghosted you because they didn’t establish a connection with you.

When no link has been created with the individual, it’s so easy to disengage from a process! (And thus ghost without hassle 😉).

How to avoid ghosting and keep candidates engaged:

  1. Phone interviews: Plan your interviews via phone rather than email. Be warm and let the person know how much you look forward to meeting them.
  2. Pre-meeting follow-up: Send a brief follow-up email the day before the meeting to confirm their presence.
  3. Avoid lengthy delays: Don’t schedule interviews too far in advance. Keep time each week for interviews. Try to meet the person in the days following or even hours after receiving their application. Dare to be responsive.
  4. Video interviews: If possible, opt for video interviews. This provides more flexibility for candidates and makes them more available.
  5. Transparent follow-up: After each stage of the recruitment process, follow up with the candidate. Be transparent about their progress in the process.
  6. Avoid overly long interview processes: Steer clear of interview processes that extend over an excessive period.


By adopting these practices, you can not only reduce the risk of ghosting but also create a positive experience for candidates throughout the recruitment process. Transparency, responsiveness, and connection are key to establishing strong relationships with candidates, even if collaboration doesn’t materialize.

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